Natural Pointing
This project is already completed.

The use of Virtual Reality (VR) applications has become increasingly popular, due to the wide variety of applications, such as in medicine (Hoffman et al. 2000), teaching (Oberdörfer & Latoschik, 2016) and entertainment (Pausch et al. 1996), and the more cost-effective alternative to conventional therapeutic approaches (Rothbaum et al., 2000). Van Dam et al. define (immersive) Virtual Reality as technology that gives the user the perception of being surrounded by a virtual, i.e. computer-generated environment (VE). (Van Dam et al., 2000). Slater and Wilbur define the term immersion to be the „extent to which the computer displays are capable of delivering an inclusive, extensive, surrounding and vivid illusion of reality to the senses of a human participant“ (Slater & Wilbur, 1997). A concept that results from immersion is presence. Witmer and Singer (1998) describe presence as a subjective experience of being in a place or an environment, despite the fact that one is physically in a different place (Witmer & Singer, 1998). The more immersion is caused by the VE, the stronger the experience of presence becomes (Witmer & Singer, 1998). Presence is a very important factor, since the level of presence affects the probability of which the user will behave in the VE similar to the real world (Slater & Wilbur, 1997). It is important to achieve the state of Presence because the benefits of VEs, which are used for example in psychotherapy, can only be used if the patient in the VE shows similar behaviour to the behaviour in the real world (Strickland, 1996). Nowadays VR applications use a Head-Mounted Display (HMD), which represents the VE by means of small displays in the user’s field of vision to generate such an experience, since they are a low-cost alternative to other techniques. One of the main interaction of these VEs is the manipulation of visually perceptible objects (Pfeiffer et al., 2008). In order to manipulate objects in VR, the user has to be able to select a desired object, which will be the target for future actions (Steed, 2006). The most common way to illustrate, i.e. select, the target object in reality is to use gestures, especially pointing gestures, which are a fundamental primitive of interaction (Steed, 2006) and a unique human behaviour that distinguishes humans from primates (Kita, 2003).Not only the selection, but all interactions should be as natural as possible to make the interaction intuitive and usable, since the quality of an user interface is an essential component for experiencing presence (Slater & Wilbur, 1997). Due to the fact that the quality of the user interface depends on its usability, it is necessary to guarantee it. Argelaguet and Anduar (2013) have mentioned four basic aspects of usability that a good selection method must have: The fast selection of objects, a precise and error-proof interaction, an easy to understand and control application, which prevents exhaustion, while support possibilities of the interaction by for example additional menus, which interrupt the natural interaction, disturb the experience of immersion (Mendes et al., 2017). A natural interaction is understood to be an interaction that reflects the behaviour of humans in reality as closely as possible (Zachmann & Rettig, 2001). The advantage of natural interactions in the virtual environment is the ability to take advantage of the diversity of human interactions, allowing users to simultaneously control more degrees of freedom and use familiar actions from the real world (Argelaguet & Anduar, 2013), thus avoiding potential learning efforts. In order to increase the intuitiveness of these natural interactions, VR application often make use of several input channels (Zachmann & Rettig, 2001) in terms of Multimodal Interfaces (MMIs).These MMIs combine at least two modalities that can possibly function simultaneously. Suitable modalities can support each other in their interaction. For example, interactions that are impossible by using gestures alone can be easily implemented by adding speech. The potential benefits of these MMIs are increased expressiveness, flexibility, accessibility, reliability and efficiency (Sharma et al., 1998; Oviatt et al., 2014; Latoschik et al., 1998). In VEs 3D gestures like pointing at the object with hands, head or eyes are used to select targets (Steed, 2006). To implement the possibility of selecting an object in the VE by pointing on it, the Ray Casting method is often used. The Ray Casting method uses the properties of the pointing gesture in human communication and forms a vector that starts from a body part and clarifies a certain direction, a place or an object (Kita, 2003). It is among the most popular methods for selection as well due to it’s easiness and intuitiveness as the ability to select targets that are far away (Lee et al., 2003) and offers promising results (Pfeiffer et al., 2008).
The problem with current selection methods is that the decision whether an item has been selected is binary. Either it was selected or it was not. However, this means that when selecting objects, you must point precisely at the object to be selected and no intermediate values in the form of a probability that the object has been selected are allowed. However, this can lead to increased physical effort. In connection with this, a beam is used to implement these selection methods, which is represented in the VE. Advanced selection methods like the Expand technique (Cashion et al., 2012) or the SQUAD technique (Kopper et al., 2011) use additional menus to facilitate the selection. However, since the ray of the ray casting method must intersect with the target object, the user is forced to keep the orientation of his input device rigid until confirmation (Argelaguet & Andujar, 2013). For this purpose, the user usually has to hold his hands in an unnatural starting position and is dependent on the fact that he has to be able to see the beam emitted by his controller. However, this influences the naturalness of the interaction as well as the immersion.
The goal of this HCI project is to develop a technique for selecting objects which enhances the naturalness of the interaction, while keeping the effectiveness as close to ray casting as possible. For this purpose, it should be found out as precisely as possible to which object the user refers at the time of the selection action by using gesture input in the most natural way possible. In order to achieve this, as many attributes of human behaviour as possible, such as posture, fixation of the eyes, orientation of the arm, etc., must be taken into account at the time the pointing gesture is executed to analyze the selection behavior of the users. In order to ensure the naturalness of the interaction and the associated immersion, the use of tracking hardware, such as controllers, and additional levels of abstraction, as in the SQUAD or Expand technique, should be kept low or avoided. The developed technology can be used on its own, but in combination with MMIs it unfolds its full potential. In this context, speech would be an additional input channel an could be used as confirmation trigger for selected objects, since it, in combination with the gesture, resolves ambiguity and therefore would make gesture recognition more robust and efficient (Latoschik et al., 1998).
The developed technique is to become an improved ray casting technique that uses multiple rays from the user’s body to more accurately determine the target object. Since the Ray Casting method, but especially the Cone Casting method, tends to select more than one object in dense VEs, but can only select one object due to its binary nature, it is important to ensure a method that makes the user’s selection unique and provides continuous probability values between 0 and 1. By using the developed technique, probability values should be provided whether an object has been selected, which are continuous instead of binary. This can help to avoid that the ray has to intersect with the object exactly and thus prevents unnatural interactions. Argelaguet and Andujar (2013) distinguish the methods of disambiguation into three types: manual (the additional decision of which of the selected objects is the target object), heuristic (the use of created heuristics that make a prediction about the object selected by the user) and behavioral (the evaluation of the user’s behavior before selection in order to make a prediction about the target object). As the additional confirmation of the target object causes a cognitive workload and thus worsens the usability of the interaction, the improved ray casting method shall use a heuristic discrimination method. In order to be able to establish a heuristic that gives a confidence value, it needs an insight into the behaviour of the user, which he shows during the selection of objects. Since there are approximate characteristics of human behavior when pointing to objects, but to our knowledge there are no exact reference values, a neural network should learn these from training data using suitable features (e.g. the distance of the center of an object to the rays, which emanates from the user) For this purpose, training data will be generated by users who select target objects in the VE. To ensure the naturalness of the interaction, the controllers are replaced by the actual hands of the user, which are recognized by the Head-Mounted Display (HMD). For this purpose, hardware components are selected that make it possible to guarantee as much information as possible despite having fewer aids. For example, the Vive Pro Eye or the Oculus Quest could be considered, as they allow tracking hands without a controller.
In order to find out whether the developed technique is perceived to be more natural compared to the conventional ray casting technique, the developed technique will be evaluated in a user study. Here, the users are to select objects that are given to them in different scenarios. The following hypotheses are tested, which can be derived from the literature:
- H1 The concept is more natural to use than the traditional ray casting technique
- H2 The concept is as accurate as the traditional ray casting technique
To verify the above hypotheses, both methods are tested in several scenarios with the following measurements
- Error rate
- Cognitive Workload (NASA-TLX)
- Subjective Questioning
- SUS Presence questionnaire
Time schedule

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Contact Persons at the University Würzburg
Chris Zimmerer (Primary Contact Person)Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Universität Würzburg
Dr. Martin Fischbach (Primary Contact Person)
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Universität Würzburg